Company built on integrity


We are OPEN during renovations!


Monday December 30th …………………….. 8 AM to 5 PM

(Yard Entrance Only – For Contractors)

Tuesday December 31st ……………………… 8 AM to 3 PM

(Yard Entrance Only – For Contractors)

NEW YEARS DAY……………………………………… CLOSED

Thursday January 2nd………………………… 7 AM to 5 PM

(Yard Entrance Only – For Contractors)

Friday January 3rd…………………………………….7 AM to 5 PM

(Yard Entrance Only – For Contractors)

One of the largest suppliers of building materials, floor systems & roof trusses

Welcome to Lake Scugog Lumber

Originally founded in 1931 by Samuel N. Griffen, Lake Scugog Lumber has grown to be one of the largest suppliers of building materials, roof trusses and floor systems.

Located in Port Perry Ontario, our operations encompass over fourteen acres on the shores of Lake Scugog and we service customers within a 100 km radius.

Whether your project needs are large or small, we have the quality products, competitive pricing and the knowledge to handle it all.